Hi Qing,

I would recommend either the use of GFP as mentioned by Jacob or a his-tag
or a flag-tag. C-terminal tagging is preferred to prevent interference with
signal sequences at the N-terminus of the protein.
Flag tag is really good for detection , the commercial antibodies for
detection are really great, however it is not that great, in my hands, when
it comes to purification of a membrane protein (in presence of detergent) I
prefer his-tags to flag-tags in this case. You can use a his-flag to combine
both advantages.

Hope this helps

Pascal F. Egea, PhD
Assistant Professor
UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine
Department of Biological Chemistry
314 Biomedical Sciences Research Building
office (310)-983-3515
lab      (310)-983-3516
email     pe...@mednet.ucla.edu

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