Dear all,
going through some previous lab member's data and trying to make sense
of it, I was wondering what kind of solutions exist to simply the
archiving and retrieval process.
In particular, what I have in mind is a web interface that allows a user
who has just returned from the synchrotron or the in-house detector to
fill in a few boxes (user, name of protein, mutant, light source,
quality of data, number of frames, status of project, etc) and then
upload his data from the USB stick, portable hard drive or remote storage.
The database application would put the data in a safe place (some file
server that's periodically backed up) and let users browse through all
the collected data of the lab with minimal effort later.
I doesn't seem too hard to implement this, which is why I'm asking if
anyone has done so already.
Andreas Förster, Research Associate
Paul Freemont & Xiaodong Zhang Labs
Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College London