Seema Nath wrote:
I've got a data at 3.7 angstrom resolution,P3 space group but smallest cell volume as predicted by
marIndex is very large in comparison to the 90 residue small protein & I'm supposed to solve it
using auto-MR and CNS, now when I'm using auto-MR to search CRF & TF peaks with lowest R-factor
& appreciable corelation co-efficient using a model pdb having 43% homology, the solution gives
7-10 monomers and a message"No contrast available". Please tell me what's the solution of
this problem?
Thanking you in advance !!
This is difficult!
First - check the Mar processing with pointless - is the SG really P3
( or P31 or P32) or is there some higher symmetry to be found. Pointless
will check all this if you can provide an unmerged list of integrated
reflections, either from mosflm or xds or hkl3000
Then check the self rotation function - does it suggest there might be
dimers or trimers of your protein? also does the model form an oligimer?
if so search with the oligimer.