Hi Fred

But then what you suggested won't work if I'm right about phenix
correctly writing 2(mFo-DFc) for acentrics and (mFo-DFc) for centrics
in the FOFCWT column (as does CCP4 Sigmaa in the DELFWT column), since
you will get:

(2mFo-DFc) + 2(mFo-DFc)  = 4mFo-3DFc  for acentrics
mFo + (mFo-DFc)  = 2mFo-DFc                for acentrics

- not exactly what you expected!

Of course I could be wrong about phenix, but I was under the
impression that Pavel had all this sorted out - I guess we have to
wait for the USA to wake up!

What you suggested will actually do what you expected with a Refmac
MTZ file (except the labels don't match) which contains (mFo-DFc) for
both acentrics and centrics, but not with Buster which outputs
2(mFo-DFc) in both cases - you see what I mean about inconsistency!


-- Ian

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Vellieux Frederic
<frederic.velli...@ibs.fr> wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> If you read my post carefully, and know the naming conventions, you will see
> that the mtz naming convention and mtz labels are those that are provided by
> Phenix...
> I was aware that there will be differences (I was assuming minor ones - in
> terms of map appearance) to the proper coefficients when using other
> refinement software.
> So I believe you !
> Fred.
> Ian Tickle wrote:
>> Hi Fred
>> You have to be careful here because believe it or not, not all
>> programs output the same coefficients for 'minimal bias' maps, so
>> depending on which program Hailiang is using for SF
>> calculation/refinement he may or may not get the right answer!  You
>> are assuming the difference map coefficient is (mFo-DFc) for both
>> acentrics & centrics so you are expecting to calculate:
>>       3mFo-2DFc = (2mFo-DFc) + (mFo-DFc)  for acentrics
>>       2mFo-DFc = Fo + (mFo-DFc)                 for centrics
>> However as I have been at pains to point out on numerous occasions the
>> correct difference map coefficient is 2(mFo-DFc) for acentrics (i.e. 2
>> times half the peak height from an acentric mFo-DFc map), and
>> (mFo-DFc) for centrics (i.e. 1 times the full peak height from a
>> centric mFo-DFc map).  This fact tends to be obscured if you think of
>> it as Fo+(Fo-Fc) instead of Fc+2(Fo-Fc), which was my real objection
>> to thinking of it in the way Pavel suggested.
>> In fact the last time I checked (recently) neither Refmac nor Buster
>> got it right (details on request!) - not only that but they get it
>> wrong in different ways: at least they are inconsistent with what in
>> my view are the correct coefficients, which is based on my
>> understanding of Randy Read's 1986 paper, and no-one has yet provided
>> me with a rationale for the formulae used by Refmac & Buster.  The
>> CCP4 version of Sigmaa now gets it right, but that's only because I
>> recently fixed it myself.  I can't speak for phenix.refine, I suspect
>> it gets it completely correct, since Pavel is on the case!  So I think
>> the safest CCP4 approach is to use Sigmaa to recalculate the map
>> coefficients, then use FFT to combine them.  This will require
>> something like the following input to FFT:
>> SCALE  F1  1  0  F2  0.5  0
>> (check the FFT doc!)
>> in other words:
>>       3mFo-2DFc = (2mFo-DFc) + 0.5*(2(mFo-DFc))  for acentrics
>>       1.5mFo-0.5*DFc = Fo + 0.5*(mFo-DFc)             for centrics
>> Note that this gives the coefficient 1.5mFo-0.5DFc for centrics, not
>> 2mFo-DFc as suggested in your paper (sorry I couldn't see the
>> rationale for that choice).  Again this becomes much clearer if you
>> write 3mFo-2DFc as Fc + 3(mFo-DFc) i.e. 3 times half height (= 1.5
>> times true height), so to be consistent the centric coefficient should
>> also be 1.5 times true, or Fc + 1.5(mFo-DFc).  I think it's important
>> to get the centric reflections right (particularly in tetragonal and
>> cubic space groups!) because obviously the centric phases tend to be
>> better determined than the acentric ones.
>> Cheers
>> -- Ian
>> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Vellieux Frederic
>> <frederic.velli...@ibs.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You take the output mtz from the refinement program (let's assume it's
>>> called refine_1.mtz).
>>> Command line mode:
>>> sftools
>>> read refine_1.mtz col 1 2 3 4 # assuming the mtz contains H K L 2FOFCWT
>>> cal col 3FO2FCWT col 1 col 3 +
>>> set types
>>> F
>>> P
>>> F
>>> P
>>> R F
>>> write 3fo2fc.mtz col 5 2 3 4
>>> quit (or stop, can't remember which)
>>> That's it...
>>> Fred

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