================================================================== Announcing version 1.3 (general release) of the software:
Crystallography & NMR System (CNS) (copyright 1997-2010, Yale University) ================================================================== Information about the software and instructions for downloading the most recent version are available at: ************************************************** ************ http://cns-online.org**************** ************************************************** The software is available for download, free-of-charge, by all academic (non-profit) users. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation instructions and documentation can be found in: $CNS_SOLVE/doc/html/cns_solve.html once you have downloaded and installed the software. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Do not distribute CNS to third parties without approval. By downloading the software you agree to the License in the FTP directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------ While this new version is compatible with version 1.2 input files it is highly recommended that you use the new input files and modules in conjunction this new version of CNS. The http://cns-online.org website is now pointing to the new 1.3 version by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Attached release notes for CNS version 1.3: ======================================================================= = = Crystallography & NMR System = = A.T.Brunger, P.D.Adams, G.M.Clore, W.L.DeLano, = P.Gros, R.W.Grosse-Kunstleve,J.-S.Jiang,J.M.Krahn, = J.Kuszewski, M.Nilges, N.S.Pannu, R.J.Read, = L.M.Rice, G.F.Schroeder, T.Simonson, G.L.Warren. = = Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Yale University = ======================================================================= Program: CNS Version: 1.3 Patch level: 0 Status: general release Changes for version 1.3 ------------------------ Summary of major changes and new features for version 1.3 --------------------------------------------------------- - DEN method for low resolution refinement. See the new tutorial: Structure refinement at low resolution (below ~ 3.5 A resolution). http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/refinement_low_resolution/den_refinement/text.html (Reference: G.F. Schroeder, M. Levitt, and A.T. Brunger, Super-resolution biomolecular crystallography with low-resolution data, Nature 464, 1218-1222, 2010) - Simulations of single molecule FRET-derived distances and docking calculations with FRET-derived distances. See the new tutorial: Single molecule FRET. http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/fret/docking_calculations/text.html http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/fret/dye_simulations/text.html http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/fret/fret_distribution_calculations/text.html (References: M. Vrljic, P. Strop, J.A. Ernst, R.B. Sutton, S.Chu, A.T. Brunger, Molecular mechanism of the synaptotagmin-SNARE interaction in Ca2+ -triggered vesicle fusion, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 17, 325-331, 2010; U.B. Choi, P. Strop, M. Vrljic, S. Chu, A.T. Brunger, K.R. Weninger, Single-molecule FRET-derived model of the synaptotagmin 1-SNARE fusion complex. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 17, 318-324, 2010). - Automatic generation ("on-the-fly") of molecular topology (mtf) files (see the tutorial in Generating PDB and MTF files). Note that this new feature has required that wildcards are not allowed anymore in the topology "link" files. Also, all residues need to be defined in the topology files. - Greatly expanded, general refinement script file (inputs/xtal_refine/refine.inp and inputs/xtal_twin/refine_twin.inp) for most refinement tasks, including positional (xyz), B-factor refinement, simulated annealing, and DEN refinement. The new script also writes 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc electron density maps in CNS/X-PLOR format as well as a coefficient file (.hkl) that can be read directly by Coot, version 0.6.1, or later (or by the CNS script fourier_map.inp for B-factor sharpening). - new all-hydrogen topology and parameter files (protein-allhdg5-4*, and dna-rna-allatom-hj-opls.*). These files are used for NMR structure determination, but they can also be used for X-ray structure refinement to include all hydrogen atoms in the refinement (see the new tutorials on this topic). Electrostatics can also be used with these new files. http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/refinement_all_hydrogen_atoms/text.html http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/refinement_all_h_electrostatics/text.html (Reference: J.P. Linge, M.A. Williams, C.A.E.M. Spronk, A.M.J.J. Bonvin, M. Nilges, Refinement of protein structures in explicit solvent. Proteins 50, 496-506, 2003). - New and updated refinement tutorials, including a tutorials for refinement at low resolution, refinement of ribosome structures, refinement with all hydrogen atoms, and weight optimization by Rfree. - Protein, nucleic acid, and carbohydrates topology files conform with the most recent PDB standard. - Automatic linkage detection for N-linked carbohydrates based on distance. - Hybrid-36 for atom serial numbers for PDB files produced by CNS and support for hybrid-36 for the "resid" field (see tutorial on Coordinate fles). - Generation of topology and parameter files from CIF files with new cns_import_cif utility written by Joseph M. Krahn. See the tutorial on "Conversion of CIF files into CNS parameter and topology files. http://cns-online.org/v1.3/tutorial/generate/tools/import_cif.html - Performance improvements for torsion angle topology generation for very large systems such as ribosome crystal structures. - a CNS wiki: http://cns-online.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Contributions are encouraged and appreciated. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! (detailed list of changes are in the Changes file in the CNS root directory) Axel T. Brunger Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology Stanford University Web: http://atbweb.stanford.edu Email: brun...@stanford.edu Phone: +1 650-736-1031 Fax: +1 650-745-1463