On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 01:02:30AM -0400, Hailiang Zhang wrote:
> Hi all:
> Does CCP4 or Phenix provide any utilities which can summarize the data
> statistics (particularly looking for the average Fo_sigma/Fo for each
> resolution shell)? Truncate seems to be able to do that but didn't get the
> desired answer. Any short script will be greatly appreciated!
<cynical mode>
If truncate does what you want but does not provide the desired answer it might
be your data's fault, not the fault of truncate.
</cynical mode>

Maybe you could explain what exactly you are looking for since you seem to
indicate that truncate already does that.
If you have access to xprep you can use xprep to get F and F/sigF per resolution
shell, even with the shells you want. You can convert the mtz-file to hkl-format
with mtz2hkl. 

Considering that pointless is now the ccp4-equivalent to determine the space
group (rather than xprep), pointless might also produce the statistics you are
looking for.

Cheers, Tim

> Best Regards, Hailiang

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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