Dear Pranjal,

Some measure of a structure's "quality" compared to another is the number of 
rotamer outliers, bad bond angles, ramachandran outliers and interpenetrating 
atoms or  "clashes" in a given structure. I would suggest using the Molprobity 

run by the Richardson laboratory at Duke University to compare the quality of 
one structure vs. another. 

Good luck,


On Jul 13, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Pranjal Mahanta wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> I am sorry, I have a very basic quarry regarding the PDB structures. How one 
> can  judge the quality of a deposited  PDB data set? Suppose,for e.g., two  
> PDB's have same R-values and  have determined at same resolutions with same 
> completeness. 
> Thanking you,
> Pranjal

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