Hi there, I was generating the atomic mask using ccpr-sfall, and generating real maps using ccp4-fft, and then ccp4-overlap these maps to calculate the cc values. However, ccp4-overlapmap frequently complaints that the "Fast,medium,slow axis do not match" for these maps. Following are the script I was using, and thanks for any advice (I can't manually change the keywords values one by one since everything needs automated):
************************************ sfall xyzin ${OUTTMPDIR}${PDB}-Bsmall-0B.pdb \ mapout ${OUTTMPDIR}${PDB}-Bsmall-mask.map \ << END-sfall TITL Toxd Atom map from final coordinates MODE ATMMAP RESMOD GRID ${GRID} SYMM ${spcgrp} FORM NGAU 5 END END-sfall ... fft >${OUTLOGDIR}${PDB}"-0B-fft.log" \ hklin ${OUTTMPDIR}${PDB}-0B.mtz \ mapout ${OUTTMPDIR}${PDB}-0B.map \ << END-fft TITL data_toxd GRID ${GRID} XYZLIM ASU RESO 100.0 ${resolution} LABI F1=FOBS PHI=PHIFMODEL END END-fft *********************