Hi Ian:

There was an issue with the environment setup of my PBS script, which has
just been fixed and everything back to normal. Anyway, thanks a lot for
all the help!

Best Regards, Hailiang

> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Hailiang Zhang <zhan...@umbc.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Tim:
>> Thanks a lot for suggeting "exec" in my shell script. It really works
>> under both shell and PBS; however, the running was just terminated right
>> after "exec ${DIR}/lx_mapman" was excutated. I am not sure why this
>> happens:-(
> Hailiang, I use PBS all the time and I have no trouble running scripts
> which are identical to those I run from the command line (in fact I
> usually test the script on the command line first before submitting it
> to the batch queue).  I'm not clear why you thought it necessary to
> use the 'source' command (which as Tim pointed out only works for
> shell scripts, not for any kind of executable binary file).
> What happens if you use exactly the same command under PBS as you
> would from the command-line, i.e. in your example:
> ./lx_mapman
> The 'exec' command you used is doing exactly what it was designed to
> do, i.e. it replaces the current shell with the command specified by
> exec, i.e. it's designed for 'chaining' a series of scripts or
> executables.  This of course means that any subsequent commands in the
> shell script containing the 'exec' are ignored, so it only makes sense
> to use 'exec' if it's the last command in a script.  But in your
> example use of 'exec' should be unnecessary anyway.
> Hope this helps!
> -- Ian

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