I guess you are using version 5.5. In that version in the beginning the program finds all possible twin operators and assigns twin fraction for each of them. Then it tries to filter out smaller twin domains and takes only "significant" domains. I.e. when twin fractions are higher than 0.05 by default.

The number of twin domains should be equal to the number of twin fractions. Each twin domain has its own twin fraction.


On 14 Jun 2010, at 14:58, Paul Lindblom wrote:

Hi everybody,

can anybody tell me the difference between "twin domain" and "twin fraction". Refmac just told me that my data have 12 twin domains ((pseudo)merohedral: one time: 0.113 and eleven times 0.081), but only 2 twin fractions ( 0.8924 and 0.1076).

best regards,


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