Dear All, I am looking for a ccp4 program that reads in cif-files and converts them into pdb-files, including the CRYST1 card. Can anybody suggest a solution? I didn't find any in ccp4i, e.g. the coordinate utilities. I also tried COOT to read in cif-files (downloaded from the pdb server). For one example it crashed, for others it doesn't colour the bonds properly if "Bonds (Colour by Atom)" is chosen but shows all bonds in one colour. Is that a known feature? If I save these coordinates in pdb-format and try to read it back, I get an ERROR saying: "Wrong ASCII format of an integer". Thanks for any suggestions Christian Engel
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards / Cordialement Dr. Christian Engel Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH R&D CAS Structural Biology FFM Industriepark Hoechst Bldg. G877, Room 020 D-65926 Frankfurt am Main t: +49 69 305 12946 f: +49 69 305 80169 125 Jahre Arzneimittel aus Deutschland von sanofi-aventis ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH · Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt am Main · Handelsregister: Frankfurt am Main, Abt. B Nr. 40661 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Hanspeter Spek - Geschäftsführer: Dr. Martin Siewert (Vorsitzender), Ulf Bialojahn, Dr. Matthias Braun, Peter Guenter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Werner Kramer, Dr. Klaus Menken, Dr. Heinz Riederer *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************