Dear Eleanor:

Yes, this is something I want to do (RSR and CC). But I just want to do
the calculation based on a group of residues or atoms, and it seems
OVERLAPMAP doesn't do it, so I think I have to find other ways.


> mapdump does this if you select the right flags. But as Ian says you
> will get a LOT of numbers. You dont say why you want this information,
> but if it is to find the electron density at an atom site overlapmap
> will do that if you ask for "real space rfactor"
> eleanor
> Hailiang Zhang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wanted to convert a binary ccp4 map file to a readable format so that
>> I
>> can retrieve the electron density at each real space grid point. Just
>> tried MAPTONA4 and MAPEXCHANGE, but the resulting ascii file are not
>> readable, and I didn't find any documentataion about how to read them.
>> Could somebody give me any hint? Thanks a lot!
>> Best Regards, Hailiang

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