Dear All, I am trying to calculate BSA (Buried surface area) for a protein complex. I am using CCP4 AreaIMol. I used Accessible surface area module and calculate areas for " protein atoms only"
I know that the buried surface area (BSA) can be calculated as: BSA = ASA(A) + ASA(B) - ASA(AB) when two proteins A and B form a complex AB So when I run areaIMol for complex AB using AB.pdb, I get Total area of chain A Total area of chain A Total area Total contact area of chain A Total contact area of chain A Total contact area So, How do I get my BSA? Do I need to split PDB in to individual chains to get Accessible surface area for each chain [ ASA(A) and ASA(B)]? Is the total area I got above is the ASA (AB)? Are there are any applications which could help get BSA PISA server giver ASA for each interface and total, so how could I use them to calculate BSA? Thanks in advance Yogi