If I understand what you are saying, I think it is too.

You imply that asymmetry in the enzyme results in two isomerase pathways. This may be true, but it has no consequence on the prospects for irreversibility. To avoid confusion, let's call these pathways "D" and "S". Both the "D" and "S" pathways would have their own kf and kr kinetic constants such that kf_D/kr_D = kr_S/kf_S = Keq, which reflects the dG of the reaction. When the dG is close to zero for the isomerase reaction (which I assume here), then you can't make it irreversible.
This is not the case, at least in part. Such kind of enzymes, if no cofactor-needed, use the identical intermediate for the mirror symmetric reaction. For the D <--> Intermediate <--> S reaction, the enzyme uses the same pathway. Enzymes, for example, glutamate racemase and aspartate racemase, use a kind of psudo-mirror symmetric alignment at the active site to adapt the binding of D or S isomer in the half A.S., respectively. Other 3 atoms associated to the chiral center keeps fixed relative conformation during the inversion.

Standard dG(0) of such a reaction is 0. However, at the time when enzyme works (for example, cell needs D-ASP in an almost pure L-ASP environment), the racemase moves L-Asp to D-Asp, in this regard, the dG of the reaction (not standard) is not 0.

Your last sentence means: for a reaction (assuming dG(0) = 0 like racemic reaction) almost reaches EQ (dG ~ 0), you cannot make it irreversible----this is true. Just please do not forget: such kind of enzymes work when the D <--> S EQ is highly broken by nature (dG << 0) [not dG(0)].

Hopefully I explained clearly!



All natural epimerases, isomerase and racemases use a mechanism based on L-amino acids to deal with a mirror-symmetric (quasi-, sometimes) reaction. In another word, these enzymes use a non- mirror symmetric structure to deal with a mirror-symmetric reaction, which itself causes the asymmetric kinetics for different direction, though the dG is 0. The Arrhenius Law k = A*exp(-dE/RT) should be understood like this: a mutation's effect to dE will be symmetric as Dale pointed out. However, the effects on A are asymmetric. A is related to intramolecular diffusion, substrate- and product-binding affinity, etc. That is why with mutation these enzymes changed their kinetics on two directions differently. Please check glutamate racemase, alanine racemase, aspartate racemase, DAPE epimerase, if you are interested. Never a 1000 to 1000 relation!

Thus, mutation is possible to make one direction more favored---the point is you need the correct hit. Of course, such an experiment is never a Maxwell's demon.


On May 19, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Maia Cherney wrote:

You absolutely right, I thought about it.


Marius Schmidt wrote:
Interestingly, Maxwell's demon pops up here, whoooo... ,
don't do it.

If you change the reaction rate in one direction 1000 times slower
in the other direction, then the reaction becomes practically
irreversible. And the system might not be at equilibrium.


R. M. Garavito wrote:


As Dale and Randy pointed out, you cannot change the &#916G of a reaction by mutation: enzyme, which is a catalyst, affects only the activation barrier (&#916E "double-dagger"). You can just make it a better (or
worse) catalyst which would allow the reaction to flow faster (or
slower) towards equilibrium.  Nature solves this problem very
elegantly by taking a readily reversible enzyme, like an epimerase or isomerase, and coupling it to a much less reversible reaction which
removes product quickly.  Hence, the mass action is only in one
direction. An example of such an arrangement is the triose phosphate
isomerase (TIM)-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
reaction pair. TIM is readily reversible (DHA <=> G3P), but G3P is rapidly converted to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate by GAPDH. The oxidation
and phosphorylation reactions of GAPDH now make TIM "work" in one

Since many epimerases are very optimized enzymes, why not consider making a fusion with a second enzyme (like a reductase) to make the system flow in one direction. Of course, this depends on what you
want to do with the product.



/ ****************************************************************/
/R. Michael Garavito, Ph.D./
/Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology/
/513 Biochemistry Bldg.   /
/Michigan State University      /
/East Lansing, MI 48824-1319/
/Office://  //(517) 355-9724     Lab:  (517) 353-9125/
/FAX:  (517) 353-9334        Email:  rmgarav...@gmail.com
/ ****************************************************************/

On May 18, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Dale Tronrud wrote:


I'm more of a Fourier coefficient kind of guy, but I thought that a &#916G of zero simply corresponded to an equilibrium constant of one. You can certainly have reversible reactions with other equilibrium constants. In fact I think "irreversible" reactions are simply ones where the equilibrium constant is so far to one side that, in practice, the
always goes all the way to product.

As Randy pointed out the enzyme cannot change the &#916G (or the
constant). You could drive a reaction out of equilibrium by coupling it to some other reaction which itself is way out of equilibrium (such as ATP hydrolysis in the cell) but I don't think that's a simple mutation of
your enzyme.  ;-)

Dale Tronrud

On 05/18/10 00:31, Vinson LIANG wrote:

Dear all,

Sorry for this silly biochemistory question. Thing is that I have a reversible epimerase and I want to mutate it into an inreversible one. However, I have been told that the &#916G of a reversible reaction is zero. Which direction the reaction goes depends only on the concentration of
the substrate.  So the conclusion is,

A: I can mutate the epimerase into an inreversible one. But it has no influence on the reaction direction, and hence it has little mean.

B: There is no way to change a reversible epimerase into an
inversible one.

Could somebody please give me some comment on the two conclution?

Thank you all for your time.



Dr.habil. Marius Schmidt
Asst. Professor
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Physics Room 454
1900 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211

phone: +1-414-229-4338
email: m-schm...@uwm.edu

Lijun Liu
Cardiovascular Research Institute
University of California, San Francisco
1700 4th Street, Box 2532
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone: (415)514-2836

Lijun Liu
Cardiovascular Research Institute
University of California, San Francisco
1700 4th Street, Box 2532
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone: (415)514-2836

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