First, you will need CCP4 installed and set up properly. You will also
need to know your protein sequence. Put the latter into a text file
(FASTA format will do).
Next, download the file "Elves" from:
then type:
chmod a+x Elves
Elves /path/to/data/frames/ ./proteinsequence.txt
If you don't know how to answer any of the questions Elves ask you, then
the default is usually the best choice. If the structure can be solved
from the data, this will do the trick most of the time (~80% in my
tests). Things they don't handle well are twinning and severe radiation
-James Holton
MAD Scientist
Qing Lu wrote:
Hi All,
I am new to protein crystallography. I would like to know the steps
involved in solving a MAD dataset by using the program in CCP4 where
you determine the phases and then obtain the trace. The dataset is
collected at 3 different wavelengths (peak, inflection and remote)
using Se-Met as the scatterer. The crystals diffracted to resolution
of 2 Angstrsoms and has a good anomalous signal.
Qing Lu