The following positions are available at the Institute of Biochemistry, University of Lübeck, Germany:

PhD students and postdoctoral fellows in (structural) virology and synthetic organic chemistry

1. Postdoctoral fellow in crystallography/structural virology (initially limited to 2 years; extension up to 6 years and ”habilitation“ possible). Salary: E13 TV-L (full-time employment). Good knowledge of recombinant protein production and macromolecular crystallography is required. The successful candidate is expected to participate in the biochemistry teaching programmes of the institute in the “Medicine“ and “Molecular Life Science“ curricula. Start of work: as soon as possible. Reference number: 624/10

2. Postdoctoral fellow in virology/molecular biology/biochemistry (initially limited to 2 years; extension up to 6 years and ”habilitation“ possible). Salary: E13 TV-L (full-time employment). Knowledge of virology, in particular in the construction and use of viral replicons, as well as in recombinant production of viral proteins is required. The successful candidate is expected to participate in the biochemistry teaching programmes of the institute in the “Medicine“ and “Molecular Life Science“ curricula. Start of work: as soon as possible. Reference number: 625/10

3. 2 Postdoctoral fellows in synthetic organic chemistry (initially limited to 2 years; extension up to 4 years possible). Salary: E13 TV-L (full-time employment). Substantiated knowledge of synthesis of heterocycles and modified peptides is expected. Experience in structure-based drug design is an advantage. Start of work: 01. 10. 2010. Reference number: 626/10

4. PhD student in structural virology and drug design (initially limited to 3 years). Salary: E13 TV-L (part-time employment: 50%). Tasks include the recombinant production and X-ray structure analysis of viral proteins and the design of inhibitors. The successful candidate is expected to participate in the biochemistry teaching programmes of the institute in the “Medicine“ and “Molecular Life Science“ curricula. Start of work: as soon as possible. Reference number: 627/10

5. 2 PhD students in synthetic organic chemistry (initially limited to max. 3.5 years). Objective is the synthesis of antiviral inhibitors according to design based on crystal structures of target proteins. Salary: E13 TV-L (part time em-ployment: 50%). Start of work: 01. 10. 2010. Reference number: 628/10

The Institute of Biochemistry investigates the molecular basis of infection by RNA-viruses with the objective to design and develop new antiviral drugs (see PLoS Pathogens 5, e1000428 (2009); Protein Science 18, 6 (2009); J. Mol. Biol. 383, 1081 (2008); Chem. Biol. 15, 597 (2008)). The work involves recombinant production, crystallisation and X-ray structure analysis of the proteins as well as design and chemical synthesis of inhibitors. All instrumentation necessary for this research is implemented in the institute, including direct access to synchrotron radiation at DESY. Please consult our webpages ( for further information.

The salary scale is regulated by the collective labor agreement for the public service of the federal states (TV-L), if the requested qualifications are satisfied. The final pay-scale allocation is subject to change. Working hours are according to § 6 TV-L. The University seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. Applications from disabled individuals are especially welcome.

Further information can be obtained from the Director of the Institute of Biochemistry, Prof. Dr. Rolf Hilgenfeld, tel. +49-451-500-4060;

Applicants interested in one of these positions are invited to send their complete resumé, including the names of two possible referees, before Mai 31, 2010, indicating the respective reference number, to

Universität zu Lübeck
– Dezernat Personal –
Ratzeburger Allee 160,
23538 Lübeck, Germany

Dr. Jeroen R. Mesters
Gruppenleiter Strukturelle Neurobiologie und Kristallogenese
Institut für Biochemie, Universität zu Lübeck
Zentrum für Medizinische Struktur- und Zellbiologie
Ratzeburger Allee 160, D-23538 Lübeck
Tel: +49-451-5004065, Fax: +49-451-5004068
If you can look into the seeds of time and say
which grain will grow and which will not - speak then to me  (Macbeth)

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