Hi Greg,

you can generate secondary structure restraints definitions for Refmac using this command:

phenix.secondary_structure_restraints model.pdb format=refmac


On 5/5/10 4:33 AM, Gregory Bowman wrote:
Hi -

I am refining a low (3.7Å) structure with refmac(5.5.0091), and am having trouble maintaining some secondary structure elements. I would like to restrain the H-bonding in clear secondary structural elements, which should help prevent carbonyls in helices from flipping out, etc, but have not had success doing this so far. As I understand it, it is not correct to put a LINK restraint for hydrogen bonds in refmac, and instead the HYDBND keyword should be used. How do we specify these HYDBND restraints (putting them in the header of XYZIN doesn't seem to work), and is there a (simple) way to decrease the tolerance for breaking these bonds?
Department of Biophysics
Johns Hopkins University
302 Jenkins Hall
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: (410) 516-7850 (office)
Phone: (410) 516-3476 (lab)
Fax: (410) 516-4118
gdbow...@jhu.edu <mailto:gdbow...@jhu.edu>

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