On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 13:35 +0100, Nicholas Keep wrote:
> If anyone has a piece of software that would do this it would be
> great.

How about this (this is a single line)

grep 'ATOM\|HETATM' file1.pdb file2.pdb |grep -v REMARK | cut -d: -f 2 |
cut -c 13-54 | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FIELDWIDTHS = "14 28"; pt=""} {if(pt==
$1) print pr,$2; pt=$1; pr=$0;}' | awk 'BEGIN {FIELDWIDTHS = "14 4 8 8 8
5 8 8 8"} {printf "%s %8.4f\n",$1,sqrt(($3-$7)^2+($4-$8)^2+($5-$9)^2);}'
| awk 'BEGIN {FIELDWIDTHS = "4 1 3 1 1 5 9"} {printf "%s %s %s %s %s\n",

The output is not sorted (sort isn't friendly to the idea of sorting
alphabetically and numerically at the same time).  And "awk" means
"gawk" - "mawk" (Ubuntu default) doesn't allow fixed field selection
which is key to dealing with files that have alternate conformers). 



"I'd sacrifice myself, but I'm too good at whistling."
                               Julian, King of Lemurs

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