The documentary "Naturally Obsessed: The Making of a Scientist" is definitely a must-see film. It captures the story of life and science in a crystallography lab, that of Dr. Larry Shapiro at Columbia University, and follows the graduate students journey of fortune and misfortune that crystallographers know so well. Not to sound too sappy about it, but it is almost like a "coming of age" story for graduate students....
Check it out: -Chayne Piscitelli ________________________________ From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Brad Bennett [] Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:43 AM To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] X-Ray films Hi Harry- X-ray crystallography played an integral part in discoveries made in Michael Crichton's "Andromeda Strain". Mainly it was used to determine the elemental composition and arrangement of the "capsid" or shell that the "foreign" organism was found within. Best- Brad On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 12:16 PM, harry powell <<>> wrote: Hi Not a question about films for recording X-rays on, but a question about films about X-rays, Crystallography and related subjects! I was wondering what ccp4bbers favourite movies involving real science, especially crystallography might be? If they're from Hollywood, though, I'd guess it should be "favorite"... I'm a little tired, but the only one I can think of at the moment is actually based on results from fibre diffraction - "Life Story", with Jeff Goldblum. There must be others, though. Harry -- Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH