Hallo Peter,
if you have CCP4 and ARP/wARP installed, you may just try the
'Quickfold' function under 'model building'. It will try and interpret
your map and give you alpha-helices and some strands, too. This
secondary structure model can be helpful to locate your known subunits.
On 3/30/10 12:20 AM, Peter Grey wrote:
Dear All,
I have a crystal (not EM) density map of a very large complex at 4.5A
resolution. I have pdb files for homologs of a few of the subunits of
this huge complex. I would like to fit these homologs into the
density. I have tried without success so far programs that handle
phased molecular replacement - MOLREP, ESSENS and FFFEAR.
Could you please suggest other programs or servers that can tackle
this problem ?
Many thanks,