Dirk, I'm not sure this is right, the NCS 2-folds clearly occur at phi
= 45, 135 ..., not at phi = 30, 150 ... as required by your
explanation.  Also you haven't explained the very clear peaks near
theta = 45, phi = 0. 90 ... .  I won't be convinced until I see the
results from RFCORR!


-- Ian

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Dirk Kostrewa
<kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de> wrote:
> ... and here a slightly clearer version where I numbered the NCS-related
> positions 1,2,3 and their crystallographic equivalent positions 1',2',3',
> which makes the NCS dyads a bit easier to understand ...
> Sorry for sending two pictures.
> Best regards,
> Dirk.
> Am 19.03.10 10:31, schrieb Dirk Kostrewa:
> Dear Francis Reyes,
> from the self-rotation function at kappa=120 degrees, you can see that one
> threefold NCS axis is perpendicular to a crystallographic twofold axis. I
> haven't worked this out for your particular case, but the combination of a
> threefold (n-fold) NCS axis perpendicular to a crystallographic twofold axis
> creates three (n) NCS twofold axes (that can be viewed from both directions
> and in case of an uneven NCS axis appear "twice"). I've appended a schematic
> stereographic projection to make this a bit clearer (full dyad symbol
> crystallographic, open dyad and triangle symbols NCS, green circles
> positions above plane, red circles positions below plane created by
> crystallographic dyad, dashed lines help to visualize the NCS threefold,
> thick solid line crystallographic twofold, thin solid lines NCS twofolds).
> Good luck,
> Dirk.
> Am 18.03.10 16:03, schrieb Francis E Reyes:
> Hi all
> I have a solved structure that crystallizes as a trimer to a reasonable
> R/Rfree, but I'm trying to rationalize the peaks in my self rotation. The
> space group is P212121, calculating my self rotations from 50-3A,
> integration radius of 22 (the radius of my molecule is about 44). I can see
> the three fold NCS from my structure on the 120 slice, but I'm trying to
> rationalize apparent two folds in my kappa=180. A picture of both slices is
> enclosed. The non crystallographic peaks for kappa=180, P222 begin to appear
> at kappa=150 and are strongest on the 180 slice.
> My molecule looks close to a bagel (44A wide and 28A tall). The three fold
> NCS is down the axis of looking down on the bagel hole. I'm trying to find
> the two fold. I imagine it could be slicing the bagel in half (like to eat
> it for yourself) or slicing it vertically (like to share amongst kids) but
> I'm not exactly sure what's the best way to visualize this. Is there
> something easier than correlation maps with getax (since I have the rotation
> (polarrfn) and translation?). If you have an eye for spotting symmetry, Ill
> send the pdb in confidence.
>  Thanks!
> FR
> ---------------------------------------------
> Francis Reyes M.Sc.
> 215 UCB
> University of Colorado at Boulder
> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 67BA8D5D
> 8AE2 F2F4 90F7 9640 28BC  686F 78FD 6669 67BA 8D5D
> --
> *******************************************************
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Gene Center, A 5.07
> Ludwig-Maximilians-University
> Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
> 81377 Munich
> Germany
> Phone:        +49-89-2180-76845
> Fax:  +49-89-2180-76999
> E-mail:       kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de
> WWW:  www.genzentrum.lmu.de
> *******************************************************
> --
> *******************************************************
> Dirk Kostrewa
> Gene Center, A 5.07
> Ludwig-Maximilians-University
> Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
> 81377 Munich
> Germany
> Phone:        +49-89-2180-76845
> Fax:  +49-89-2180-76999
> E-mail:       kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de
> WWW:  www.genzentrum.lmu.de
> *******************************************************

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