PhD position in crystallization and structure solution of natural and appropriate variants of the sponge protein silicatein and nanobiotechnology applications
TOPIC: Research in the field of biomineralization and applications in nanobiotechnology. Biomineralization is the formation of minerals by living cells and organisms. To understand the processes involved in biomineralization (at the cutting edge between inorganic and organic world)and for nanobiotechnology applications, the structure determination of natural and appropriate variants of silicatein from marine demosponge Suberites domuncula is required. The prospective student will carry out European funded research (Marie Curie ITN network BIOMINTEC) in two of the partner institutions, NCSR Demokritos in Greece and Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet, Mainz in Germany and will operate within a network of institutions highly specialized in biomineralisation. The project includes participation in workshops and summer schools. Motivation to travel and adapt to a different country and to integrate efficiently in a new working team is fundamental. TYPE OF APPOINTMENT-DURATION-STARTING DATE: Full-time contracts in the two institutions (overall period 36 months), starting April 2010 at NCSR Demokritos. PROFILE-ELIGIBILITY Applicants should have a BS or MSc degree in chemistry, biological sciences or related sciences and £4 years research experience at the time of hiring. They can be nationals of European Union or Associated Countries, other than the country of the host organisations (Greece & Germany). Candidates from countries outside EU are also eligible. Greek or German citizens who have resided in Greece or Germany for less than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the hiring dates are also eligible. BENEFITS The successful candidate as a Marie Curie fellow will enjoy high salary (according to the Marie Curie guidelines with social security benefits) and additionally a mobility allowance covering family obligations, travel allowance and career exploratory allowance. HOW TO APPLY Applicants should forward electronically (a) their detailed CV, (b) copies of published articles, (c) names, e-mails/phone numbers of two referees to: Dr. I. M. Mavridis Institute of Physical Chemistry National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" Aghia Paraskevi 1520, Athens -Greece