I have a similar situation so I am also curious for the answer.  Refmac will
always try to form a disulfide bond with both conformers for me as well.

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Critton, David <david_crit...@brown.edu>wrote:

> Dear CCP4BB,
> I am building a protein structure containing a pair of cysteines linked via
> disulfide bond. This disulfide bond (i.e. the cysteine S-gamma atoms)
> refines well at 2/3 occupancy, however the electron density suggests that
> these cysteines each adopt a second, unlinked conformation (presumably at
> 1/3 occupancy). I have no trouble building the alternate conformers;
> however, refinement causes both conformers to disulfide-bond.
> I would like to know if there is a way (and how) to specify individual
> conformers (or individual atoms) in the SSBOND record of a PDB.
> Thank you in advance,
> David A. Critton
> Graduate Student, Page Laboratory
> Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry
> Brown University
> Providence, RI

Jim Fairman, Ph D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
National Institutes of Health - NIDDK
Cell: 1-865-748-8672
Lab: 1-301-594-9229
E-mail: fairman....@gmail.com james.fair...@nih.gov

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