Hi All,

I have a question regarding developing inhibitor for UTP binding protein.
Since UTP is a common nucleotide substrate for a lot of glycoenzymes
similiar to ATP for kinases, developing potent inhibitor for UTP in vitro
may not  seem to be an impossible task, or at least it's technically
feasible by using fragment-based approach, however, I was told that it is
possible that UTP is so abundant in the cell that a potent inhibitor in
vitro may not be able to work as an inhibitor in vivo. I was trying to
search for evidence that a UTP inhibitor works in vivo but did not succeed.
I wonder if any one can help to provide some examples that a UTP inhibitor
works in vivo. This example would provide evidence for the druggability for
UTP binding site for many glycoenzymes.  Thanks a lot!


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