
is someone using Nvidia 3D vision + a compatible 1920x1080 23.5" Desktop Display e.g.
ACER GD245HQ 120 Hz LCD display
Alienware OptX AW2310 120 Hz LCD display?

Is it running nicely with Linux + Nvidia's Linux driver?

How is the stereo quality compared to Zalman's 3D-LCDs or the old CrystalEyes shutter glasses + CRT monitor?

Thank you,
Christian Rausch

Dr. Christian Rausch                                   rau...@wzw.tum.de
Lehrstuhl f. Biologische Chemie               Phone: +49 (0)8161 71-4050
Technische Universitaet Muenchen                Fax:               -4352
85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
Germany                                         http://www.wzw.tum.de/bc

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