Dear CCP Community,

We have processed protein scattering data in space group C2221 to a resolution of 2.4 Å. The structure shows two protein molecules (chain A and B) in the asymmetric unit, related by a local two-fold symmetry axis. Initial rigid body refinement and subsequent full refinement of isotropic atomic B-factors (including all water and ligand molecules; using also non-crystallographic symmetry restraints) with the program REFMAC5 yielded R and Rfree values of 32.1and 33.9, respectively.

In the next step, after setting the B-factor to 30 Å^2, we carried out 6 cycles of TLS refinement followed by 10 cycles of isotropic atomic B-factor refinement (two TLS-bodies were defined: the two symmetry-related streptavidin chains A and B in the asymmetric unit). As expected, the R and Rfree values droped down by 1-2% to 29.6 and 32.5%, respectively. Checking the residual atomic B-factors their global average had changed from 13 Å^2 (without TLS refinement) to 2 Å^2, the lower B-factor boundary. In fact, all atoms in the .pdb file showed B-values of 2 Å^2. Interestingly, when we previously processed the same molecule in C2 we did not have this TLS problem.

Does anybody has an explanation why after TLS refinement, individual B-factor refinement is failing? Is this due to wrongly refined (i.e. too large) TLS parameters? Has this been observed before? Any suggestions to solve the problem?

Many Thanks,


Christophe Wirth
Structural biology department
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Klingelberstrasse 70

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