Registration now open!! The Canadian Light Source (CLS) is pleased to introduce the fifth annual Saskatoon Synchrotron Summer School (S4V) scheduled for June 13 - 18th, 2010 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This year's school is for students and researchers interested in learning synchrotron techniques for life science research. The first day of the school will take participants through the basics of synchrotron operations and techniques. The following three days are divided in concurrent streams. One stream is a dedicated macromolecular crystallography course which will take students through the steps of structure solution including sample preparation, data collection, data processing, phase determination, refinement and structure validation. The other stream is multifaceted and will introduce experimental techniques in the areas of diffraction enhanced imaging, x-ray florescence mapping, and mid-infrared mapping. After completing the school the participant will have sufficient knowledge to conduct synchrotron based research. The deadline for early application is March 30th. Additional details regarding; application, fees and school syllabus can be found at.
Sincerely, S4V Planning Committee Questions? Contact the Educational Outreach Coordinator, Tracy Walker<> or (306)657-3525. Watch for more details and registration information at