There are several more options to create 3D coordinates from it's 2D
You can build any 3D molecule easily in Discovery Studio Visualizer -
It is free but not for Mac OS
there is nice server called Frog, that convert 2D to 3D and can
build set of conformers
Corina is another server that do simple 2D to 3D conversion http://
and you have the PRODRG server
prodrg/ that can convert 2D to 3D and in addition can create
topology file in many formats (e.g GROMACS, CNS...). PRODRG support
only common atom types (N, C, O, S, P, Cl, I, Br, F)
Rotem Sertchook, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Unit, Biological Services
Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot 76100, Israel.