Hi all, I use fink to install ccp4-6.1.2 on my Mac OS X 10.6. All programs in ccp4 works well except imosflm. when I run it, it gives me the following error message"
Top level CCP4 directory is /sw64/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.2 Using CCP4 programs from /sw64/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.2/bin MOSDIR is /Users/yamei/mosdir Error in startup script: unknown namespace in import pattern "itcl::*" while executing "namespace import itcl::*" (file "/sw64/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.2/ccp4i/imosflm/src/imosflm.tcl" line 91) invoked from within "source $env(IMOSFLM)" (file "/sw64/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.2/ccp4i/imosflm/imosflm.tcl" line 117) " Dose any one know how to fix this problem? Thank you very much! yamei