Hello All,
In typically comical fashion, the PDB specification 3.2 at http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/format32/sect9.html
leaves out columns 67-76 for ATOM and HETATM records.
Since I can only conclude that SEGIDs must be one of those "grey
areas", I thought I'd make a multiple choice survey and go with the
quorum opinion.
Please respond with the most correct answer so I know how to proceed:
What is the general status of case sensitivity of SEGID in PDB
file formats?
1. Gee, I thought that it was specified to be case sensitive.
2. Well, someone once told me that it was specified to be
case insensitive but I can't remember who that was.
3. I thought it was specified to be something too but
most programs largely ignore specifications in my experience.
4. Specifications are for sissies, real crystallographers
don't depend on them.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate.