Zitat von Imre Toeroe <t...@embl.de>:
this might be relevant here:
Yes! thanks for the link.
Clemens Grimm wrote:
regardless of what such a (kinetic) calculator will calculate at the end -
we will have to feed it with data of the type "vapour pressure vs.
concentration and temperature" of substance X. Even without a whole
simulation tool for the kinetics of a vapour diffusion experiment
this will already enable us to tell what the equilibrium
state/endpoint of the experiment will be.
As the substances we are interested in are typically stuff like
PEGs and at very high concentration (non-ideal behaviour!), we will
need experimental data. For some salts there are tables. But for
PEGs etc. this has to be generated. I feel that only having this
kind of data at hand would already be tremendously useful!
Zitat von Jacob Keller <j-kell...@md.northwestern.edu>:
Dear Crystallographers,
Is anybody aware of a calculator for vapor diffusion experiments to
plot concentrations of various solvent components as a function of
time? For a simple example, what happens when I mix a protein
solution containing 50mM NaCl 1:1 with a reservoir containing 50%
MPD but no salt? Where is the vapor diffusion equilibrium, and how
does the drop composition change as a function of time? More
complicated would be experiments involving volatile components
other than water, as I think, for example, ethanol would almost
instantly equilibrate, then the water diffusion would kick in over
a longer time scale. Even more complicated would be pH-dependent
volatilities such as acetate. I don't think this would be
impossible to figure out, but it would be nice if there were a
pre-existing tool/server to do such.
Jacob Keller
Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.491.2438
cel: 773.608.9185
email: j-kell...@northwestern.edu
Dr. Clemens Grimm
Institut für Biochemie
Biozentrum der Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
e-mail: clemens.gr...@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
phone : +49 0931 888 84031
Dr. Clemens Grimm
Institut für Biochemie
Biozentrum der Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
e-mail: clemens.gr...@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
phone : +49 0931 888 84031