We are offering RapiData 2010, the twelfth offering of our popular course:
Rapid Data Collection and Structure Solving at the NSLS: A Practical
Course in Macromolecular X-Ray Diffraction Measurement
The course will be held 11-16 April 2010. Students could be at any level from
advanced undergraduate to full professor. The course should accommodate 48
students total. All students are encouraged to bring their own specimens for
data collection, and to bring old data for the data-reduction and
structure-solving tutorials. Please read the Course Announcement at
http://www.bnl.gov/RapiData/. You'll see that many experts in the field will
be available for lectures and tutorials. You'll find the application materials
on the Course Application tab at this site.
For the eighth time we will hold a short lecture course on the fundamentals of
crystallography for roughly five hours on Sunday 11 April. The body of the
RapiData course really requires that students have a healthy knowledge of
crystallography. For potential students who have some experience but are shaky
about fundamentals, this course will help. There will be a small additional fee
for the fundamentals course, to pay for Saturday night accomodations and food
on Sunday morning and noon.
Latin American Scientists: Several scholarships are available, from the
International Union of Crystallography, to pay partial travel and subsistence
costs for Latin-American students and junior faculty. Please apply for the
course, and then contact R. Sweet (sw...@bnl.gov) if you are interested in
applying for a scholarship. In accordance with the standards of the
International Union of Crystallography, we observe the basic policy of
non-discrimination, affirming the right and freedom of scientists to associate
in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as
citizenship, religion, creed, political stance, ethnic origin, race, colour,
language, age, or gender, in accordance with the Statutes of the International
Council for Science. At this course no barriers will exist beyond the
application procedure that would prevent the participation of bona fide
Please apply or send your students to our course,
Bob Sweet, Sal Sclafani, and Alex Soares
Course Announcement at http://www.bnl.gov/RapiData/
Robert M. Sweet E-Dress: sw...@bnl.gov
Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular ^ (that's L
Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS not 1)
Biology Dept
Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Phones:
Upton, NY 11973 631 344 3401 (Office)
U.S.A. 631 344 2741 (Facsimile)