Just to avoid any problem

pdbcur xyzin X.pdb xyzout X-nohyd.pdb


Francois Berenger wrote:
Markus Rudolph wrote:


long ago I had a case when HG1 etc. were interpreted as mercury by phaser.

Could that be relevant to your case?

I hope not.
However, as I have already seen EPMR handle some Hydrogen as Carbon,
I am ready to see anything happening! :(

I will have a quick look to see if I can make Phaser
output atom numbers from what was read from the PDB.




On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Francois Berenger wrote:


I have 4 molecules.
If I use Phaser's AUTO_MR with all default parameters on them,
I get the following scores:

        no_modif remove_H
molecule RFZ TFZ  RFZ TFZ
1        6.9 9.6  7.0 9.4
2        5.2 5.9  5.4 6.2
3        4.2 4.5  4.7 5.2
4        4.9 6.8  5.2 6.7

Hence, here are my existential questions, given that I heard
many times "H is transparent for X-rays":
* should I always remove H before running Phaser?
* why?

Here are a few lines of one of my PDBs containing H, in case it is
misinterpreted by Phaser:
ATOM 6 1H ALA A 1 18.629 -3.443 12.782 1.00 0.00 ATOM 7 2H ALA A 1 18.427 -2.484 13.918 1.00 0.00 ATOM 8 3H ALA A 1 17.496 -2.462 12.742 1.00 0.00 ATOM 9 HA ALA A 1 19.811 -0.866 13.013 1.00 0.00 ATOM 10 1HB ALA A 1 21.071 -1.469 10.982 1.00 0.00 ATOM 11 2HB ALA A 1 21.038 -2.809 12.152 1.00 0.00 ATOM 12 3HB ALA A 1 19.983 -2.852 10.720 1.00 0.00 ---

Thanks a lot,

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