I was recently testing out the 30% PEGMME 5k, 0.1M NaOAc pH 4.5, 1M NaCl method mentioned in a Hampton Research catalog and attributed to Enrico Stura. I see that he has also just commented on this thread. I found that at 80mg/ml, batch with 1.5ul:1.5ul protein to precipitant ratio, lysozyme crystallized in about 1 hour. Jumping that up to 150mg/ml allowed for crystallization in minutes. Hanging drop behaved similarly. I was using lysozyme from Sigma.


Jeffrey Wilson, Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Molecular Genetics Department
231 Albert Sabin Way
MSB 3109A
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0524
(513) 558-1360

On Dec 21, 2009, at 11:12 AM, MARTYN SYMMONS wrote:

Dear All
checking out the Lysozyme crystallization methods on the web I liked the Rigaku Instructions that I found:

"...create a drop of 3ul lysozyme solution, and 3 ul of well solution, respectfully, for a total drop size of 6ul..."

So perhaps sometimes I am just not respectful enough to deserve crystals ?

   good wishes to all
Martyn Symmons
MRC-MBU Cambridge UK
'Chan fhiosrach mur feĆ²raich.'
Gaelic proverb -
 Nothing asked, nothing learned.

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