Hi all, I've been exploring the use of pure TLS models at various resolutions. By "pure" I mean that there is no individual atomic Biso component for the protein atoms. The net B factors for each atom are described only by the TLS group it belongs to. I have had really good success with this for refinement at low resolution, say 3-4 Angstroms. More recently I have been comparing the model quality and R factors from pure TLS and TLS+Biso refinement at resolutions between 2 and 3 A.
But I have run into a glitch in using refmac. What I want to do is this: 1) refine structure with conventional Biso model 2) use TLSMD to generate a multi-group TLS model 3) reset protein B factors to 20 (tickbox in ccp4i interface to refmac) 4) refine TLS model with no individual Biso for the protein atoms, but with the usual positional refinement The problem is that at stage (3) refmac resets the B factors for all atoms, not just the protein atoms. This wipes out the previous values stored for water molecules and ligands. So at the end of (4), even if the protein ADPs are well described by the pure TLS model, all the waters and ligands are still stuck with B factors of 20. Suggested fix: Add a variant of the command "temp set 20.0" that applies only to atoms that belong to some TLS group. Atoms that are not in any TLS group should retain their current Biso value. Ideally there would also be a way to refine the Biso values for these non-TLS atoms. Perhaps using the "MIXED" keyword? Or maybe I'm overlooking some existing way to achieve the same goal. cheers, Ethan