*Post-Doctoral Researcher. Structure and Function of Membrane Protein Complexes*.
We seek a motivated individual to join our laboratory in the Department of Biological Chemistry at the University of California in Los Angeles. We are interested in studying the mechanisms of protein folding/translocation and organelle biogenesis in diverse systems. Research projects involve the study of various multi-subunits membrane protein complexes using X-ray crystallography and cryoEM. State-of-the-art equipment is available in a modern research setting including robotic crystallization, cryoEM and fermentation facilities. Synchrotron radiation time is available at the Advance Light Source in Berkeley and also at the Advanced Photon Source in Chicago. *Qualifications. *Applicants should have received a Ph.D degree in a field relevant to structural biology (X-ray crystallography or cryoEM) and/or molecular biophysics and have a good background in protein expression and purification. Crystallographers applying should have some experience in experimental phasing. *Contact.* To apply please email the following to pe...@mednet.ucla.edu: a CV, the contact information for 2 or 3 references (e-mail, address, phone), a list of experimental expertise and a brief research statement describing your past research and future goals. Pascal F. Egea, PhD Assistant Professor UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine Department of Biological Chemistry 314 Biomedical Sciences Research Building office (310)-983-3515 lab (310)-983-3516 email pe...@mednet.ucla.edu