how about this for a general idea:
resolution is related to order in the crystals, more order =
diffraction to higher resolution
the order is determined by crystal contacts, stronger crystal contacts
= more order
more solvent means, on average, less close packing and less crystal
(of course, there are cases where only a few strong crystal contacts
make for a very highly ordered crystal diffracting to high resolution,
so there are quite a few exceptions of high solvent content being
compatible with high resolution diffraction)
or is this too simplistic?
(and widely known?)
Mark J. van Raaij
Dpto de BioquĂmica, Facultad de Farmacia
Universidad de Santiago
15782 Santiago de Compostela
researcherID: B-3678-2009
On 10 Dec 2009, at 00:56, Jeremiah Farelli wrote:
Hello all,
Does anyone know of some relevant literature (or a general idea
really) that
discusses protein crystal solvent content vs. average resolution? I
under the impression that the higher the solvent content, the lower
average resolution....but I'd like to see some sort of data to back
this up.