Dear Bulletin Board, I received this information from Axel Bruenger, who rightly corrected me on the modification to be made to the bindividual.inp file:
>As an fyi, the sigmas should be made smaller to get a narrower B-factor >differences. My previous post: > You modify the file bindividual.inp > > This section: > {* target sigma values for restrained B-factor refinement *} > > {* mainchain bonds *} > {===>} bsig_main=1.5; > {* mainchain angles *} > {===>} asig_main=2.0; > > {* sidechain bonds *} > {===>} bsig_side=2.0; > {* sidechain angles *} > {===>} asig_side=2.5; > > I cannot remember in which direction the values have to go. I think up. So the values have to go down. The precise values I used are somewhere on a DAT tape and we have no DAT reader here anymore... Fred.