Actually, another thing could be going on as well. You show a large
off-origin peak in the Patterson in I422 so you may have
pseudotranslation going on and you processed in the supercell. You could
probably try to reindex choosing fewer spots and get your P422 cell. I
am sure there is some law that would convert your P422 cell to I422 (or
vice versa), but I don't know it off the top of my head. That way you
could just look at your cell lengths and see if this is possible. Its
probably the same crystal form, except this crystal has PTS.
Chao Quan wrote:
Dear CCP4 community:
I am a beginner to crystallography and therefore my apologies if this question is too
Basically we obtained several crystal forms of the same molecule, which is a
trimer containing protein A(18kD), protein B(16kD) and a RNA segment(40nt or about
We have solved the structure of one crystal form(form_1); its information is as
space group = P 42 22;
unit cell = 126.514 126.514 76.766 90.00 90.00 90.00
resolution = 2.7A;
Rwork = 0.25, Rfree = 0.265;
solvent content = 60%;
Number of molecules per Asymmetric Unit = 1;
Data redundancy = 5;
Data Completeness = 94%;
I am now trying to solve the structure of form_2 crystal using molecular replacement. So
far the information I know about form_2 is as follows:
space group = I 422 or I 41 22;
unit cell = 180.096 180.096 152.530 90.00 90.00 90.00
(unit cell is about 4 times the size of form_1)
resolution = 3.3A; (which is low)
Number of molecules per Asymmetric Unit = 2 or 3;
Data redundancy = 4;
Data Completeness = 92%;
There is no twinning(as shown by Sfcheck);
As shown in"Analyse Data for MR", the first peak is 100 and second is 68.92; I am not
sure if this indicates translation in a Asymmetric Unit;
The problem is, I can not get a good solution by MR using Phaser (both I422 and I4122
are tried). When I searched for 3 molecules per Asymmetric Unit, Phaser did not give
solutions at all.
When I used 2/ASU instead, I was able to get some solutions, with typical statistics as
RFZ=14, TFZ=35.9, PAK=0, LLG=1036;
However, these solutions had high R values(like Rwork=0.59 and Rfree=0.58), which
indicated that they are not solutions at all. Still, I tried refinement using refmac5, but R
values did not go down even after 50 rounds; sometimes they even increased after
Besides, the RMS values bond length, bond angle and chiral center were all 0 as show by
I tried limiting resolution range to 15-4A in Phaser, which did not help either.
Now I am completely stuck. Could anyone give me some advice? I know this situation is
very strange, because I am using the SAME molecule for MR but can not can a solution.
Thanks a lot,
1) Both form_1 and form_2 crystals were grown using Selenomethionine-containing
samples. There are 3 Sel_Met in protein A and 1 in protein B.
2) A 10-aa internal segment of protein B is missing in the solved structure, which may
indicate high flexibility.
Jonathan P. Schuermann, Ph. D.
Beamline Scientist
NE-CAT, Building 436E
Advanced Photon Source (APS)
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Tel: (630) 252-0682
Fax: (630) 252-0687