Post-doctoral positions (x2) in Protein Crystallography
Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)

We have two postdoctoral positions available for protein crystallographers at 
the Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH), a new laboratory currently nearing 
completion adjacent to the UK Diamond synchrotron.  The positions are funded by 
a five-year MRC research grant to Simon Phillips and Steve Carr to work on 
structural studies of complexes involved in Holliday junction resolution.  RCaH 
will be equipped to a high standard for structural biology, and will also house 
the Oxford Protein Production Facility UK (OPPF-UK), the CCP4 core team, 
membrane protein crystallography groups of So Iwata and Alex Cameron, as well 
as other multidisciplinary groups in life and physical sciences.

You should have a PhD in a relevant subject and experience in protein 

Further information is available at the RCaH website (, 
and for informal enquiries please email:

Applications for this role must be made online at 
inputting reference RCH09/589.  If you do not have internet access or 
experience technical difficulties please call 01793 301156.

Closing date 1st January 2010

For further information about the MRC please visit

The Medical Research Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer

| Simon E.V. Phillips  |
Director, Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Oxon OX11 0FA
United Kingdom
Direct email:

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