Hi Tim,
First, we do not have access to Debian squeeze so I am afraid I cant
say much about it.
The gui asks about the Wilson plot, and, when run as 'run and view com
file' shows the script for mtzdump.
The 'run and view command file' will not work with the way that ARP/
wARP Classic (ab)uses ccp4i.
That command executed in from the shell, produces the desired result
without failure.
Could you please clarify which is 'that commend'? Is that something like
warp_tracing.sh my_cp4i_par_file_from_above.par
auto_tracing [parameters]
On an older installation, but also Debian squeeze, arp warp runs
How could I further debug the arp-warp output? One guess would be that
some library is missing, but I realised that the binaries are
Indeed, arp/warp is statically built. But, since the command line run
its not the executables.
I suspect semething with Tcl/Tk versions maybe.
The directory /tmp/tg exists and is writable on both computers.
If you send me what exactly you tried from the commend line I am sure
we will be able to debug it.
Cheers, Tim
Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen
P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to
Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis, Principal Investigator / Staff Member
Department of Biochemistry (B8)
Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Dept. B8, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 512 1951 Fax: +31 20 512 1954 Mobile / SMS: +31 6 28 597791