... and thanks also to Ines Kahlaoui who pointed it out to you!

On 11 Nov 2009, at 09:44, Vellieux Frederic wrote:

> Dear all,
> Thought I'd share this with you:
> I located this through Ms Ines Kahlaoui, from the Beja Higher Institute of 
> Biotechnology in Tunisia (Ines has to teach and locates videos on the 
> internet, which she then downloads and uses for teaching). Ines located this 
> jewel:
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7084929825683486794&ei=M3b5SvXqD6em2AK3jY33CQ&q=Plongee+coeur+vivant#
> This is the French version (explains everything about Structural Molecular 
> Biology, but for the maths :-( , but also shows what we crystallographers 
> have known for a long time, since the first colour E&S graphics workstations 
> in fact, that the electron are blue :-) ).
> Both French and English versions can be downloaded from
> http://cj.sauter.free.fr/xtal/Film/
> No rights associated with the movie, and the Strasbourg group intends to 
> release a higher quality version on DVD soon. Please contact them about 
> that... I am only sharing what I thought was good for educational purposes. 
> 18 minutes of your life, but worth it I think. So feel free to share this.
> Wish you all a nice day,
> Fred.

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