> Hello, > > I am working with refmac-nm code derived from refmac5 > and I am encountering an error below > [...] > Open failed: Unit: 7, File: /tmp/refmac-nm_temp1.21850_new.crd (logical: > /tmp/refmac-nm_temp1.21850_new.crd) > <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN--> > Refmac_5.2.0019: Open failed: File: /tmp/refmac-nm_temp1.21850_new.crd > [...] > > It is apparently very similar to bug#1004 reported on 14/01/2005 (see below) > for which proposed solution was to make sure that > there is CRYST1 line in the PDB file. In my case this line is present in the > PDB file, but I am still getting this error. > > Any other possible reasons for this problem? > > Any help will be appreciated. > > Best regards, > Ryszard > > > Ryszard Czerminski > AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP > 35 Gatehouse Drive > Waltham, MA 02451 > USA > 781-839-4304 > ryszard.czermin...@astrazeneca.com > > Refmac fails to open temporary file when generating new dictionary from PDB > file > Date : 14/01/2005 > CCP4 Version : 5.0.2 and earlier > System : all > Level : minor > Status : workaround > Bugzilla number : #1004 > > Refmac may fail with an error message of the form: > > Open failed: Unit: 7, File: /scratch/rb84480/refmac5_temp1.36145_new.crd > (logical: /scratch/rb84480/refmac5_temp1.36145_new.crd) > > Last system error message: No such file or directory > Refmac_5.2.0005: Open failed: File: > /scratch/rb84480/refmac5_temp1.36145_new.crd > > This can happen when the input PDB file doesn't contain cell or spacegroup > information - this information is now compulsory and should be supplied on > the CRYST1 line in the PDB file. > > To confirm whether this is the case check the Refmac output for a line of the > form: > > ===> Warning: Input coordinate file does not have CRYST card > > If so then the workaround is to make sure that you add the cell and > spacegroup information into the file. In future versions of Refmac the > absence of this information will be a fatal error. > >
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