Hi Radovan,
you can look at
"A Lipidic-Sponge Phase Screen for Membrane Protein Crystallization" Wöhri, A. B., Johansson, L. C., Wadsten-Hindrichsen, P., Wahlgren, W. Y., Fischer, G., Horsefield, R., Katona, G., Nyblom, M., öberg, F., Young, G., Cogdell, R. J., Fraser, N. J., Engström, S. & Neutze, R. (2008). Structure 16, 1003-1009.


Valérie Biou                                       valerie.b...@lebs.cnrs-gif.fr
Laboratoire d'Enzymologie
et Biochimie Structurales
CNRS, avenue de la Terrasse      tel (33/0)1 69 82 34 81
91198 Gif sur Yvette                        fax (33/0)1 6982 31 29

Le 30 Oct 2009 à 11:06, Radovan Spurny a écrit :

I would like to ask for recommendations and tips how to use lipids for crystallization of membrane proteins. Especially I am interested about the solubilization of lipids (E.coli lipids, POPC, POPE, POPG) and how to mix them with protein.
Thanks a lot.
Radovan Spurny, PhD
Laboratory of Structural Neurobiology
Division of Pharmacology
Campus Gasthuisberg, ON1
Herestraat 49, PB 601
B-3000 Leuven
e-mail: radovan.spu...@med.kuleuven.be
web: www.xtal.be

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