This may be of interest to some of you.

We are in the process of putting together what we hope to be an exciting
program of talks with plenty of opportunity for discussion.


Dr. Liz Duke
Principal Beamline Scientist
Diamond Light Source
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
Tel. 01235 778057
Mob. 07920 138148

-----Original Message-----
From: Claudia Alen Amaro [] 
Sent: 29 October 2009 13:04
Subject: Correlative Microscopy Workshop

Correlative Microscopy Workshop

There will be a workshop on Correlative Microscopy in Oxford on January
13th-14th 2010. This INSTRUCT funded workshop is aimed at developing an
understanding of the major scientific problems which could be addressed
by a combination of microscopy and imaging based modalities in
conjunction with other structural based techniques such as
crystallography. The workshop will bring together leading scientists
from the different microscopy fields along with structural biologists
working on complex scientific problems could benefit from the
application of a combination of different imaging techniques.
The talks will encompass a range of different imaging modalities with an
emphasis on explaining the strengths, weaknesses, limitations and
complementarity of the different techniques. There will be a focus on
exploring what is required for combining the different techniques,
particularly looking at any software and hardware developments and the
different approaches to sample handling required for each method. In
addition a number of case studies will be presented to highlight
possible scientific questions which could be answered through the use of
results obtained with combined microscopy techniques. 

Registrations will open soon at!

Dr Claudia Alen Amaro
Scientific Project Manager
Instruct: An Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe,
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford,
Roosevelt Drive, Headington OX3 7BN, UK
Tel: +44 1865 287808

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