Artem has already responded - but I believe you will pull down the cellular debris with the IB. In my prior experience, post centrifugation, you can wash the IB/debris with increasing amounts of urea in you solubilization - and you may find that the other cellular debris stays in solution before the IB goes in. (1M, 2M, 4M urea....) - and after recentrifugation, I found that does a pretty good job of cleaning up the media.


megha goyal wrote:

Dear All,
Our protein is expressed as inclusion bodies and I want to separate inclusion bodies from E.coli from the cellular debris after* *lysis of the cells by sonication.

Can I do this by normal centrifugation? and if yes, at what speed?

Our centrifuge has maximum speed of 14000 rpm. Can we do the separation using this centrifuge and if so how.

Thanking in anticipation.

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