To the CCP4 community.
As always, I have received a number of very helpful suggestions to my
query. I am grateful to all those who replied. My best summary of the
suggestions is below.
Best Regards,
-Andy Torelli
A notable consideration (provided by Jim Pflugrath) is that "A JPEG has
fixed colors for the pixel values. A diffraction image has to use a
viewer to convert the pixel values (counts) to a color. One problem
with just using a converter to jpeg is how to convert intensities to
color (i.e. computer display values)."
Additionally, Morten Kjeldgaard noted that opening saved images
(particularly TIFF images) in Photoshop will require "Image ->
Adjustments -> Equalize" to see anything other than black.
Specific program suggestions:
- diff2jpeg - a CCP4 utility within the "DiffractionImage" library for
handling different diffraction file formats. See:
- idiffdisp - a CCP4 utility. See also CCP4wiki page:
- ipdisp - a CCP4 utility. See also:
- Mosflm has capability including control over gr[e|a]yscale. See FAQ
section for details.
- ADXV - reportedly easy to install and can save in TIFF format. Also
will save image to match coloring in view window:
- Marview - can be installed using Linux_glibc-2.3.3 (RedHat9, WS3,
etc). Just download it, unpack (gunzip marView.gz). See also
# chmod a+x marView
a) to run the program from terminal
# ./marView or
# kate .bashrc:
alias marview=/home/user/Desktop/marview/./marView
b) alternativelly, place the program in the Desktop and just
double-click to start it up.
- demo version of d*TREK is freely available from Rigaku and has
dtdisplay for this purpose.
- Labelit - see
- labelit.png <filename> <output.png> [-large]
- ImageMagick - part of most linux distros. See also James Holton's
helpful and detailed reply to my original post.
- convert -depth 16 -type Grayscale -colorspace GRAY -endian LSB -size
3072x3072+512 GRAY:test_0_001.img test_0_001.jpg