When mammalian cell culture is being loaded to GE HisTrap resin Ni ions are being stripped off the resin, at least in my hands. Did any of you have similar experience and if so what kind of work-around was found? Volume is fairly large (3L) and concentration/dialysis have proven to cause loss of desired protein.
Please share your positive experience.

I get this with insect cell lysates. The solution: load onto ion exchanger first - not for purification but to get rid of whatever strips Ni2+. Crude wash with 50 mM salt (or as high as your protein allows) followed by step elution with 0.5M salt (very few proteins do not elute at 0.5M) --> load directly onto Ni-NTA. Solves the stripping problem 100%. (If you use step elution, make sure to NOT use weak exchangers or you will have pH shift of 2-3 units). If the protein binds to cation-exchangers at pH >7, even such a crude step results in significant purification in itself. If, for some reason, ion exchangers are not an option, load onto hydroxyapatite and elute with phosphate. The downside to HA is that it has a lot less capacity than ion-exchangers and that it needs frequent repacking.

Good luck,


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