The Structural Molecular Biology group at the Stanford Synchrotron
Radiation Lightsource (SSRL, a division of SLAC National Accelerator
Laboratory) at Stanford University has an immediate opening for a
Postdoctoral fellow within its Macromolecular Crystallography group.
The candidate will work in a team of software developers and
scientists to develop an automated system to integrate data
collection, analysis and structure refinement, with the ultimate aim
to provide a fully or partially complete model based on experimental
data collected at the SSRL MX beamlines. Responsibilities will
include testing and customizing different automated pipelines for data
processing, and collaborating in the design and implementation of a
Web-based user interface to access the software and the results on-line.

The candidate should possess an advanced degree (MS or PhD) or
equivalent experience in computer science, engineering, mathematics,
physics, structural biology, or a related field.  Substantial expertise is
required in the field of Macromolecular Crystallography. Programming
skills (e.g. Java, Python) are highly desirable. The candidate must
possess excellent verbal and written communications skills, and the
ability to work closely with an R&D development team.

E-mail CV or inquiry to  Ana Gonzalez ( or Mike
Soltis ( 

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