Such anomalous <I*2>/<I>*2 values usually reflect the fact that you have
a non-crystllographic translation which means a large % of your
reflections will be very weak ( eg if you had mistakenly called a C2
data set P2, all the h+k=2n+1 would be ~0, and non-crystalllographic
translation can cause similar near-absences)
However the Ltest for twinning is less affected by such a
non-crystallographic translation and can indicate twinning.
Programs also use the H-test that looks at correlations between
reflections which ould be matched by a twin operator. This is a good
test PROVIDING you have the right point group.. If for instance you give
your pointgroup as PG4 when it is really PG422 the Htest will say -
brilliant match between hkl andkh-l; maybe that is a twin operator with
alpha 0.49999
I guess all this adds up to the fact that you need to be cautious re
Ben Flath wrote:
I have used phenix.xtriage. It finds three twin laws with alpha ~0.48 for all of them and the results of the perfect twin test are well over 2.
On 9/22/09 1:50 PM, Tanner, John J. wrote:
I suggest you analyze your data with phenix.xtriage. It does several tests and
gives descriptive output.
From: Ben Flath <>
Reply-To: Ben Flath <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:31:26 -0500
Conversation: [ccp4bb] perfect twin test
Subject: [ccp4bb] perfect twin test
Hi all
when subjecting my data to the perfect twin test <I*2>/<I>*2 I get values very
close to 3 which is far off the theoretical values of 1.5 and 2 for twinned and untwinned
can anyone shed some light on what might be going on with my data. Could
tetartohedral twinning have anything to do with it?
Benjamin Flath
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
University of Saskatchewan
320 Thorvaldson Building
110 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5C9